
chicken head Learn more about chicken head

  • The efficacy and function of "ginseng in water" chicken head rice? How to eat and get wet?

    The efficacy and function of

    Chicken head rice is a fresh Euryale, also known as chicken head meat, also known as ginseng in the water, has many health benefits. So, what are the effects and effects of chicken head rice? How to eat chicken head rice to get wet? Who is not suitable to eat chicken head rice? Let's get to know it.

    2020-11-09 Ginseng in water chicken head rice efficacy and effect
  • How to preserve chicken heads

    How to preserve chicken heads

    Chicken head fruit scientific name gorgon euryale, commonly known as chicken head rice in folk, belongs to a kind of aquatic plant for many years, can be eaten raw or boiled, can also be used as medicine, has the effect of invigorating spleen and kidney, before the Mid-Autumn Festival is the season when chicken head fruit ripens and goes on the market. How do chicken heads survive? Jitouguo

    2020-11-08 chicken head fruit how to preserve scientific name gordon euryale fruit in
  • How to peel the chicken head?

    How to peel the chicken head?

    Chicken head fruit Nanjing people's traditional food it has a lot of medicinal value, love health Nanjing people of course like to eat chicken head fruit very much. This fruit looks like a chicken head, in fact, it is called Euryale fruit (locally called chicken head rice). It is a kind of herb of lotus family.

    2020-11-08 Chicken head fruit how peel chicken head Nanjing human tradition
  • How to grow chicken head fruit

    How to grow chicken head fruit

    The chicken head fruit is the mature kernel of Euryale fruit, and its fruit is shaped like the chicken head, hence the name. It is a natural and pollution-free green food, which is widely planted in the south of our country. So how to grow chicken heads? The adaptability of chicken head fruit is strong, in ponds, swamps, lakes.

    2020-11-08 Chicken head fruit how seed chicken head Euryale ripe
  • Chicken swollen head syndrome

    Chicken swollen head syndrome

    1. Summary of the disease: swollen head syndrome is an infectious disease of chickens caused by avian pneumonia virus and secondary to pathogenic Escherichia coli. It is mainly characterized by swollen head and characteristic neurological symptoms. Laying hens can also cause a decrease in egg production and a decrease in hatching rate. Second, epidemic characteristics: SHS mainly harms chickens (broiler breeders, commercial laying hens, broilers can occur) and turkeys. Chickens and turkeys are known natural hosts. SHS is mainly transmitted through the horizontal angle, the digestive tract and nasal cavity of diseased or convalescent chickens.

  • When is the harvest season for Euryale? When will it be mature and go on sale? How much half a kilo?

    When is the harvest season for Euryale? When will it be mature and go on sale? How much half a kilo?

    Euryale fruit alias Chicken head Rice, Egg Ling, Chicken paralysis, Chicken head, Goose Beak Fruit, Chicken head, Yantou, Aconitum, Hongtou, current Yellow, Water Chicken head, thorn Lotus Fruit, knife thickening, Chicken head, Suhuang and Huangshi are dry mature kernels thickened by Nymphaeaceae plants. Then it gains.

    2020-11-09 Euryale harvest season when what month ripe
  • At present, how much is the wholesale price of wild bacteria in Yunnan? When will it go on sale? What is the effect? How to store it?

    At present, how much is the wholesale price of wild bacteria in Yunnan? When will it go on sale? What is the effect? How to store it?

    Wild fungus is a unique wild edible fungus in Yunnan Province, growing at an altitude of 2000,000m above sea level, accounting for more than half of the world's edible fungi and 2/3 of China's edible fungi. How much is the wholesale price of wild fungi in Yunnan at present? When will it go on sale? What's the effect?

    2020-11-09 At present Yunnan wild fungus wholesale price more less money one jin
  • Purebred fighting chicken seedling cash on delivery generally how much money a? How do you know if a chicken is good or bad?

    Purebred fighting chicken seedling cash on delivery generally how much money a? How do you know if a chicken is good or bad?

    Cockfighting is a traditional form of entertainment handed down from ancient China. It is still a reserved program in some hotels and parks and is loved by the audience. It is reported that a fine breed, well-trained cockfighting price in 2000-3000 yuan. So the purebred fighting chicks arrive

    2020-11-11 purebred bucket chicken seedling cash on delivery average more less money one
  • What disease is chicken closing eyes and shrinking head to be in low spirits? What kind of medicine do you take?

    What disease is chicken closing eyes and shrinking head to be in low spirits? What kind of medicine do you take?

    Colibacillosis: it is treated with gentamicin, gentamicin, neomycin, chloramphenicol, enrofloxacin and other drugs. Coccidiosis: treated with Qiujing, Anbaole, Aproline, Jibao-20, coccidiosis, Diqiu Wang and other drugs. Marek's disease: not yet

    2020-11-08 Chicken close your eyes shrink your head lose energy what is it sick eat what medicine
  • How much is the black snake?

    How much is the black snake?

    How much is the black snake?

  • Is the sugar porridge on Pingjiang Road in Suzhou worth 10 yuan per bowl of chicken head rice and 15 yuan per bowl?

    Is the sugar porridge on Pingjiang Road in Suzhou worth 10 yuan per bowl of chicken head rice and 15 yuan per bowl?

    Speaking of Jiangsu, there are really too many snacks here. The one in the picture is the famous snack crab shell yellow in Suzhou. It tastes very crisp and tastes delicious. The shop where I took the picture is in Suzhou Ping.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of chicken enterotoxic syndrome

    Diagnosis and treatment of chicken enterotoxic syndrome

    Due to abnormal climate change, the temperature difference between day and night varies greatly. Enterotoxic syndrome characterized by diarrhea, undigested feed in feces, significantly decreased feed intake, slow growth, weight loss, dehydration and decreased feed returns often occur in broilers and laying hens. 1. Clinical symptoms: the mental state of the chicken flock is still good, but the growth is slow, the crown is pale, some diseased chickens show white strip or mucous feces, there is undigested feed in the feces, and the feces are yellowish. Individual chickens have mental depression, shrinking head, head tremor, running back and forth, and easy to scream.

  • Taoyuan Chicken, a Local Chicken breed

    Taoyuan Chicken, a Local Chicken breed

    Main germplasm characteristics: Taoyuan chicken is a local meat chicken breed, which is famous for its tall size, delicate meat, delicious meat, good meat production performance and so on. Body shape and appearance: Taoyuan chicken is tall, sturdy, fluffy, slightly longer and rectangular. The rooster has a majestic posture, high head and neck, cocked tail feathers and a V-shaped side view. The hen is slightly taller, the back is long and straight, and the hindquarters are deeply round and nearly square. The head of the rooster is moderate in size, the single crown is upright, the hen's head is beautiful, and the crown is large and inverted to one side. Ear

  • Medicinal value of black chicken

    Medicinal value of black chicken

    Medicinal value of black chicken

  • Prevention and treatment of Chicken Encephalomyelitis

    Prevention and treatment of Chicken Encephalomyelitis

    Chicken Encephalomyelitis (AE) is an infectious disease of chickens caused by avian encephalomyelitis virus, which mainly affects the nervous system, also known as epidemic tremor. The main characteristics of the affected chicks are ataxia, head and neck muscle tremor, leg paralysis, paralysis, etc., while laying hens show a decrease in laying rate. First, symptom 1, chicken. At the beginning of the disease, the affected chickens were depressed and slow to respond; then some of the diseased chickens developed ataxia and refused to move; or their gait was unstable until they could not stand; they landed with their hocks on the ground and their wings spread out and fluttered reluctantly.

  • Skillfully eliminate chicken lice

    Skillfully eliminate chicken lice

    Chicken lice is an extracorporeal parasite of chickens. It is only 1-2 mm long, wingless, with 3 pairs of feet, a pair of antennae and chewing mouthparts. The head, chest and abdomen are independent. The width of the head is generally wider than that of the chest. Where there are chicken lice parasites, feather loss, mental malaise, loss of appetite, chicks will affect the development, hen laying rate dropped sharply. The following introduces three methods to control chicken lice: the method of spreading steps is simple and effective, and can be used all year round. The method is to grind the lice powder, such as a magic pen, into powder or exterminate it with veterinary medicine.

  • Ten ornamental chicken breeds

    Ten ornamental chicken breeds

    It can be said that China is the first country to train chickens, and there are special people to manage chicken raising affairs. Now raising ornamental chickens has become a kind of popular, because ornamental chickens have a beautiful appearance, but few people eat them, so what are the varieties of ornamental chickens in our country? Take it.

    2020-11-27 Top ten ornamental chicken breed can say Guoshi the earliest chicken training
  • Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    In the modern chicken industry, the incidence of chicken leg and foot disease has increased, which has become a difficult problem that can not be ignored. At present, some chicken farms (households) lack sufficient understanding and understanding of chicken leg foot disease, and often do not pay attention to it, which can easily lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, resulting in unnecessary economic losses. According to the author's clinical practice for many years and the clinical experience of many colleagues, the causes and similar symptoms of common leg and foot diseases in chicken production are summarized as follows. 1 nutrition-related leg and foot disease 1.1 vitamins

  • Where does the perennial herb Chicken head Polygonatum (ginseng) come from? How much is it per jin? How many jin can you produce per mu? How do you eat it?

    Where does the perennial herb Chicken head Polygonatum (ginseng) come from? How much is it per jin? How many jin can you produce per mu? How do you eat it?

    Chicken head Polygonatum, also known as chicken head ginseng, is a common medicinal material in northern China, its whole body is a treasure, not only the root can be used as medicine, but also leaves, flowers and stems have certain medicinal value, so it is planted in many places, where does it come from? Generally many

    2020-11-09 Perennial herb chicken head Polygonatum ginseng from where
  • Treatment of chicken infectious rhinitis

    Treatment of chicken infectious rhinitis

    Treatment of chicken infectious rhinitis
